Taylor and Stephen (and their moms!) were so wonderful to work with! Every meeting was full of laughs and love (and discussion of vetos. Haha!). What is a “veto”, you ask? It was Taylor’s brilliant idea to allow each of the mothers one veto to use while making all the wedding planning decisions. I absolutely LOVE this idea. It kept everyone in-check. Every decision was made by Taylor and Stephen, but if a mom truly wanted to disagree, she had one — and only one — veto to use. That way, nobody was picking apart every decision being made, but if something truly didn’t set well in their heart — whether it was the dress selection, the guest list, the dueling pianos, the veil, the seating chart at the head table, the length of time bar-hopping on the bus, etc., etc., — each mother could use her veto once. That meant fewer “fights” or long discussions. Each mother asked herself, “Was this decision worth using my veto on?” If not, she would have to let it go and let Taylor and Stephen continue planning their dream day. If so, (and it almost happened) then she knew it was important enough to address with the couple.
That wasn’t the only thing I loved about Taylor and Stephen’s day. You know how you really connect with some people? That was Taylor. She was so friendly and kind and fun to work with! I also loved her cheesecake as a wedding cake, her U-shaped head table (so the wedding party could sit with their significant others), her large wooden guest book, her venue at the Club71 Room, and her choosing dueling pianos instead of a DJ. There were so many fun elements!!

We rented custom coral napkins to match her color palette and decorated her reception full of ivory, blush, navy and coral. It was so beautiful! Taylor and Stephen chose the 2-Carat Level from Hitch Studio. The 1-Carat Level comes with wedding reception decorating and all the decor needed. We call that the “Level 1: Wedding Styling” package. The 2-Carat Level comes with wedding reception AND ceremony decorating, help running a smooth processional down the aisle, and a centerpiece showcase, so you can see and choose which centerpieces you want on each table before your big day! We call that the “Level 2: Wedding Coordinating” package. The 3-Carat Level is called the “Level 3: Full Wedding Planning” package and comes with just that — full day wedding planning, where Hitch Studio calls each vendor, makes sure they’re on time and on budget, greets guests, makes a timeline of your day, move chairs in an outdoor ceremony, refills the cupcake table, makes sure the flower girl is happy down the aisle, coordinates logistics behind the scenes, etc. (The “etc.” is really extensive when I say that. We do a lot of detail-oriented things in a Level 3.) 🙂

2 Carat was the perfect fit for Taylor and Stephen. If you have any questions about our levels or would like a free Welcome Kit to see how our process works, please call or email anytime! We have two certified wedding planners on staff and we’d LOVE to meet with you!
For more Coral & Navy inspiration, check out our Pinterest board!