Cancelling an event is very tough. Especially if it is something you have been looking forward to for a long time, like your graduation. It can be a really emotional time for many people. It’s hard to look at the bright side of things sometimes, but in times like these it is always best to stay positive. If you are still wanting to have a graduation party, then you should! Its best to follow guidelines though, such as the 10 person limit in one place. If you celebrate a party with 10 people or fewer, you can still make the most of it!
Enjoy your day with some of your closest friends and family. It is still a time to celebrate your achievements, so don’t let that go! As an event planning business, it breaks our hearts to see graduation parties be cancelled and weddings downsized, but we still try to do the best we can for our clients.
So, here is a list of tips for how to still have that amazing (and memorable!) graduation party.
Here are 7 tips for how to celebrate a graduation party while still keeping social distancing a priority:
- Have your closest family be at your celebration. Your family is there to celebrate. Even though these may not be the circumstances you were hoping for, your biggest supporters are there to celebrate with you. You deserve it! 10 of your favorite people!
- Celebrate virtually! Make a Facetime group or Zoom call with your friends who are also graduating that day — or friends and family who couldn’t make it. Set a time and let people congratulate you on a video call! It will be so much fun!
- Send out invitations (Hitch can help you with those) and invite your crew to celebrate with you online! And/or send invitations to the special nine other people who will be joining you. You’ll want to use your senior pictures and your parents will want a keepsake…so order the invitations. 🙂
- Decorate! Decorate your house/garage/space with your school colors! Hey SDSU grads, if you’re interested in these gold rabbits (shown above) for your decor or centerpieces, we rent them for $3 each! Set up photo booths, or picture boards. Use props to step it up a little!
- Dress up…Even with your gown! You only get this moment once! When you were younger didn’t you dream of being able to wear that cap and gown? Well, you still should! Be proud. We’ve also seen front porches decorated with signs, cap + gown, poster boards, etc. of their graduate! Have some fun with this one.
- Take lots of pictures because you still want to capture the moments. Pictures are so important during celebrations. It’s a time to look back and remember your achievements. You can make photo books or scrap books with those photos.
- Make it easy on yourselves and order take out food to have at your celebration…support your local businesses! Pickup and delivery options are still available. Maybe even find a local restaurant and order take out from them.
We don’t know what the future holds, and we don’t know when things will be “normal” again but it is still a time to look on the bright side of things. As for the actual graduation ceremony, many schools have talked about different alternatives like a drive through graduation! Everyone still deserves the chance to be recognized for their achievements.
This pandemic is affecting everyone, both mentally and emotionally (and physically by not being able to celebrate together!), but we are provided many options to still be able to connect with our family and friends just by staying home. Take this time to reflect on yourself and your future!
Contact Hitch Studio if you’d like us to start designing your graduation invitations or rent our decor for your party!

I loved that you suggested taking a lot of pictures in order to capture the best moments during a graduation party. My son will graduate from college in September. What I want is to celebrate his day very well, so I will consider finding a grad bash package that will fit my budget.